You Won't Believe My Story!

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SCP-XXXX about sectioni

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation operated web analysis bot Delta-104 ("END-OF-STORY")is to be in constant operation. Delta-104 is to scan the web for all mentions of SCP-XXXX and its content and remove it upon discovery. Delta-104 is to monitor SCP-XXXX, automatically saving uploads from SCP-XXXX onto a secure hard drive and subsequently deleting them from the channel.

Efforts in locating and containing POI-90012 are currently ongoing.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a YouTube channel which operates under the name "You Won't Believe My Story!" Content uploaded by SCP-XXXX consists of narrated animated videos depicting stories of events experienced by civilians that are claimed to have been submitted by the general public. Anomalous properties manifest upon watching any portion of an SCP-XXXX upload. Immediately following initial viewing of an SCP-XXXX video, subjects will begin to experience… the events which took place in the video they viewed. All individuals who have spread awareness of SCP-XXXX and its content will be ignored by the general public, or their claims will be dismissed as false, despite any evidence proving the validity of the statement.

The individual designated POI-90012 is assumed to be behind SCP-XXXX. information about POI-90012 has been gathered through the comment sections on multiple SCP-XXXX uploads through its interactions with the general public and undercover Foundation operatives.

Addendum 1: Comment Section

Foreward: The following log depicts notable interactions between POI-90012 and the general public and undercover foundation operatives under the video "I'm Allergic to Reading!"

Researcher Crane went under the alias "SeePlusPlus", and Dr. Dickson went under the alias "Birdswearinghats".

Note - Researcher Crane. and Dr. Dickson were provided with transcripts of the video (once tested to assure the transcripts were non-anomalous) for accuracy.


Closing statement: users "Kelly Hearts3" and "Waffle_Girl44" were tracked down by foundation operatives and administered Class A amnesties, reversing the effects of the video.

Addendum 2: 11/04/2019 Upload

On November 4th, 2019 a video was uploaded to SCP-XXXX titled "Hate response". The following is a transcript of the video:

Hello everyone, it's your host. This video is gonna be a little different. I… Recently, I've noticed that my videos haven't been getting as many views. The most recent comments just seem to be hate comments saying I'm fake. Saying the stories I share are fake. How can they be fake? I've seen so many of my loyal subscribers talk about how they've been experiencing what the people in the videos do. And honestly, that's pretty cool. I mean its not a good thing as these people have experienced bad things but it means that we've been brought closer together as a community. I wish you would all believe each other, there's no harm in doing so. I wish youtube wasn't so… hateful. And filled with skeptics. I just want this platform to be positive again. So… yeah. Back to some normal videos soon. Hopefully this one reaches some people.

Addendum 3: 12/17/2019 Upload

On 12/17/2019, a video was uploaded to SCP-XXXX titled "I Am The Richest Girl At School And It's Worse Than You Can Imagine". The contents of the video are not notable. Five days after the initial upload date, SCP-XXXX began to leave a string of comments in the comment section. The following log displays the comments left.

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