SCP-XXXX: The Prelate
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rating: 0+x
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned MTF
Site-12 Dr. Stefania Jilani Elder Ruslav Diaghilev Omega-88 ("The Oathkeepers")

Oh howe are the myghtie ouerthrowen.

- Old Testament, 2 Samuel 1:19. The Great Bible, 1539

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-XXXX is being held in a Class IV Humanoid Containment Cell at Site-12. Personnel assigned to SCP-XXXX must be able to consistently fail a Faith, Ecclesiastic, and Religious index with a maximum FEaR rating of 3. This test is to be administered at the beginning and end of each shift.

Researchers involved directly with the study of SCP-XXXX must be inoculated against Class V audiohazards and undergo monthly psychiatric examinations by the on-site psychiatric .aic.

Personnel that pass the FEaR index at any point, or fail to report for their monthly examinations are to be immediately reclassified as SCP-XXXX-2 instances. SCP-XXXX-2 instances generated in this manner are to undergo permanent amnestication and re-assigned to another site or remanded into the custody of the Foundation Mental Health Division for permanent hospitalization.


SCP-XXXX, c. 1848

SCP-XXXX self identifies as the 16th-century mathematician and alchemist John Dee. While it is impossible to prove conclusively that SCP-XXXX is the same individual of note, its assertions have been corroborated by Director Diaghilev and the College of Alchemists.

What is clear is that SCP-XXXX showcases a knowledge of alchemy that extends well beyond that of even some of the Elders within the College of Alchemists. While not everything that it espouses has been fully verified due to the difficulty inherent in communicating with it, Director Diaghilev maintains that the knowledge he has so far gleaned from conversations with SCP-XXXX matches several fundamental truths within the science of alchemy.

Communication with SCP-XXXX is exceptionally difficult as it insists on speaking almost exclusively in a secret cant that was developed in the 16th century by scientists and theologians that were known for occult studies.1 While early versions of this cant have been since translated by Foundation linguists, SCP-XXXX has further developed and expounded upon it by including an extensive array of audiohazardous phrasing and tonal inflections.

Director Diaghilev is currently the only Foundation asset with the requisite clearances and alchemical inoculations necessary to make verbal communication a viable means of gaining information from SCP-XXXX. Even so, SCP-XXXX has shown to understand and even speak in modern languages, occasionally responding to prompts in English or French.

Aside from its ability to integrate audiohazardous material into its speech patterns, SCP-XXXX has displayed a wide array of anomalous capabilities. While most of these abilities are alchemical in nature, some of them appear to have been acquired during SCP-XXXX's time in Alagadda.

Attached Addenda


SCP-XXXX was first acquired by the Foundation in June, 1918, shortly after the implementation of the Great Seal by the College of Alchemists. The local constabulary of the village of Mortlake apprehended SCP-XXXX after they received a complaint that "a strange old man" had been caught snooping around the Mortlake School for Girls.

The Foundation became aware of SCP-XXXX once it arrived at the Tower of London to be held for questioning by the London Metropolitan Police. Once there, SCP-XXXX began exhibiting its anomalous audiohazardous capabilities, necessitating intervention by members of the newly-formed MTF Alpha-3 ("Codebreakers"), who had been stationed there at the end of WWI. Several members of Alpha-3 were injured in the confrontation, and SCP-XXXX was shot twice in the head after non-violent efforts to contain it failed.

Noting the rapid regeneration exhibited by SCP-XXXX, the Alpha-3 team leader had the body bound, gagged, and hooded prior to full rejuvenation, which allowed the team to transport SCP-XXXX to Site-12.

Once there, Site medical staff were able to induce a persistent medical coma using substantial quantities of available medication. This was seen as necessary in order to prevent further containment breaches, as stipulated in XXXX.ord.02, a copy of which is available upon request. SCP-XXXX remained in this coma until 1988, two years after the O5 Council allowed the creation of the Alchemy Department and Director Diaghilev was appointed its first (and so far, only) Director.

Additional Research

SCPF Internal Memorandum

FROM: R. Diaghilev, Director - Dept. of Alchemy
TO: Dr. Stefania Jilani, Diretctor - Site 12
DATE: Feb 12, 1988

Doctor Jilani,

You have no reason to know who I am, but I have recently come into possession of a certain bit of knowledge that leads me to believe that you may be in charge of something important to me and my work. Whilst a great deal of the things that we contain is of varying degrees of importance, it is my understanding that SCP-XXXX may be of much greater significance than was originally believed.

When SCP-XXXX was captured, I noted that he had in his possession a document, a copy of which is included for reference.

It is of utmost importance that I speak to this person, at once. You will find that I have the requisite clearances and I am trained specifically to deal with the kind of anomalous properties it has so far showcased.


Ruslav Diaghilev

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