
Item1 #2: SCP-Footnote-J3

Object4 Class5: Footastic6

Special7 Containment8 Procedures9: SCP-Footnote-J10 is11 to12 be13 kept14 within15 eight16 brackets17 and18 one19 left20 dase21 with22 two23 of24 the25 letter26 e27. Two28 of29 the30 letter31 f32. Two33 of34 the35 letter36 n37. Six38 of39 the40 letter41 o42. And43 four44 of45 the46 letter47 t48 spaced49 out50 between51 the52 brackets53 and54 single55 left56 dash57. Apart58 from59 how60 SCP-Footnote-J61 is62 to63 be64 kept65, it66 can67 be68 used69 and70 abused71 by72 most73 individuals74 as75 long76 as77 they78 knew79 "The80 P-a-s-s-c-o-d-e81".

Description82: SCP-Footnote-J83 is84 a85 group86 of87 characters88 found89 on90 QWERTY91 keyboard92 that93 when94 constructed95 together96 with97 one98 another99, forms100 the101 most102 popular103 and104 useful105 piece106 of107 coding108 to109 ever110 be111 seen112! Researcher113 from114 around115 the116 area117 as118 well119 as120 on121 computers122 often123 use124 SCP-Footnote-J125. SCP-Footnote-J126 is127 handy128 dandy129 in130 informing131 people132 without133 adding134 much135 extra136 space137. They138 are139 not140 a141 lazy142 bum143 that144 doesn't145 add146 their147 weight148. They149 remain150 active151 and152 strong153 floating154 up155 above156 the157 rest158 of159 the160 characters161 holding162 their163 weight164 and165 plus166 some167 with168 extra169 text170 and171 knowledge172.

Addendum173: John174 told175 me176 SCP-Footnote-J177 isn’t178 an179 anomaly180. I181 asked182 why183 it184 isn’t185, he186 said187 we188 might189 be190 able191 to192 make193 it194 a195 -EX196 once197 he198 finishes199 his200 programing201 class202. But203 he204 has205 a206 rock207 that208 make209 it210 so211 he212 never213 finishes214 anything215. It’s216 gonna217 avoid218 being219 a220 -EX221.

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