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Required Reading

G/E Guide Last Updated Thoughts
(G) Chat Guide Unclear Has had a lot of minor revisions, could probably do with a top->down overhaul.
(G) FAQ 2017-05-03 Hasn't been substatially updated since 2017. Has a lot of outdated information, and if we update the guides in any meaningful way, we'll have to update this.
(G) Guide for Newbies In Rewrite - Might want to also move the passcode elsewhere.
(G) Site Rules In final rewrite
(G) How to Write an SCP Unclear Hasn't been updated for a while, could also do with a top-> down lookover.
(G) Greenlight Policy 2020-06-21 This seems fine
(G) Deletions Guide 2015-12-21 This hasn't been updated in a while, but the rules haven't substantially changed, and TSAT added the new -20 rule.

Policies and Staff Contacts

G/E Guide Last Updated Thoughts
(G) Contact Staff Unclear I think that there are some inactive users on here, and some of this probably should be discussed in greater detail. Could use a cleanup, perhaps
(G) Criticism Policy Unclear This could also probably use a tune-up, but should be done with Zyn/Soulless/Rockteeth input.
(G) CSS Policy Not our purview
(G) Image Use Policy In Final Rewrite
(G) Meet the Staff N/A There are some inactive staff members here, could do with a go-over
(G) Harassment Policy Unclear I don’t think this is our purview.
(G) Rewrite Policy Unclear Not our purview
(G) Tag Guide This is being worked on by Tech

Community and Navigation

G/E Guide Last Updated Thoughts
(G) Extra Community SCP Sites 2020-02-26 Should probably be merged with "How to create a branch"
(G) Fixing Chrome Login Error Not our purview
(G) How to Contribute Says nothing about GoI-Formats
(G) How to Create a Branch Should probably be merged with "Extra community sites"
(E) How to Get Good Feedback Never Has never been substantatively updated, does not refer to greenlighting at all. Probably should.
(G) Nico's Licensing Guide Never Hasn't been substantatively updated since conception, does not reference the new licensing box, etc.
(E) Random but Useful Never Hasn't been substantatively updated since conception, has some useful stuff? But it's super random and outdated in places. Why is this here?
? Usertools (?) Unclear Should probably be reviewed by tech for relevance. Also, why? It isn't listed as a guide or essay or anything.
(E) Zyn's Co-Authoring Tips Not our purview

Writing Guides

G/E Guide Last Updated Thoughts
How to Write about the Foundation
(G) About the SCP Foundation Never This hasn't been substantatively updated since creation. I'm not sure it really needs revision, but perhaps "writing guide" is not the right word for that tab, since it isn't. Also, not a guide.
(E) Conservation of WTF Never Very outdated (2012!), also why?
(G) Crosslinks Guide Never Hasn't been updated since it was written. Probably doesn't need much revision, maybe update some of the links?
(G) Doing the Safety Dance Never This isn't a bad topic for a guide, but this is very outdated
(E) The GoI Field Guide Unclear This might need a thorough go-through to make sure all the links still work. Also, this isn't so much a writing guide as a reference sheet.
(G) Foundation and Evil Never Very very outdated (2009!) Not really a guide, not even really relevant anymore. Essay.
(G) Redaction Guide Perfect in every way
Clinical tone
(E) Classified and You
(E) Clinical Tone: Declassified
(E) Clinical cs Complex
(E) Containment Hazard Control
(G) Technical Words The physics section is bad. Almost offensively so. Certainly useless. - Riemann
(G) Technical Writing
Specifics of the SCP Universe
(E) Hornby's Audio Guide
(G) How to be Scary
(E) Let's Talk About Character
(E) Let's Talk about writing characters
(E) SCP-914 Guidelines
(E) Humanoid SCP
(E) Understanding Memetics
(E) Untitled Narrative Essay
Formatting and Coding
(E) Advanced Formatting
(G) Author Page Tool
(E) CSS Theme Prep Tool
(E) Listpages Magic
(E) Photoshopping your SCP
(G) Style Resource
(G) Wiki Syntax
(E) Classification Memo
SCP Foundation Background Lists
(E) Comprehensive: Esoteric
(E) Comprehensive K-class
(E) Comprehsive: MTF
(G) Groups of Interest
(G) Mobile Task Forces
(G) Object Classes
(G) Personnel and Character
(G) Secure Facilities
(G) Security Clearance Levels
Writer Tips and Walkthroughs
Frankly, this whole thing is a mess

Critter Resources

G/E Guide Last Updated Thoughts
(G) Butterfly Squad Roster Not our Purview, also kinda outdated
(G) Expert Witnesses So, so outdated. I don't even really see the relevance of this anymore.
(G) Swamp Critters Not our Purview
(E) A Dime a Dozen
(E) Narrative Essay
(E) Concept Critique and Burnout
(E) How to become a better critic
(E) Metacritique 1
(E) Metacritique 2
(E) Thing Essay
(E) Zyn Crit Tips 1 Not our purview
(E) Zyn Tips 2 Not our purview
(E) Zyn Tips 3 Not our purview

Roget's History of the SCP Universe

G/E Guide Last Updated Thoughts
This seems fine

Proposed New Guides

G/E Guide Thoughts
(G) Must-Read Guides A very specific and succinct list of the guides that a new user must read in order to be successful here.
(G) How to Get Good Feedback Rewrite of the old guide that folds in aspects of others: nico unposted guide, the sticky threads on the forums, discusses greenlighting and such
(G) How to Give Good Feedback Folds in specific aspects of the MANY essays on the matter into one succinct guide for decent reference material for newbies
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