Ayumi's Characters, so she could keep track

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Format by Mew-Itiverse!

Agent Kaito Tamura

Name: Agent Kaito Tamura (田村 快斗 Tamura Kaito)

Clearance Level: Level 2

Specialties: Interviewing PoIs, Current Security Gaurd

Location: Site-83

History: Born in West Michigan by Japanese parents, Kaito lived a fairly normal life, but is often timid and asocial due to his otaku hobbies. He worked as an internal security trainee before foundation employment. But due to him being a newbie and because of an agreement between Edwards and Nguyen, he was transferred to Site-83 in the Gulf region. He develops a friendship with Senior Researcher Tristan Young and Commander George Willow and tries his best to get used to his new social life.

Facts and Trivia:

  • He is 6’3 and reasonably jacked because of constant working out (most especially his biceps) though he has a gentle face.
  • He is 25
  • He is Shinto
  • He mostly lives with his dad during childhood because his mom is constantly at work.
  • He enjoys punk rock.
  • Really really into dogs (This is not a threat, this is a guarantee)
  • He’s Bi but he initially thinks he’s straight, but soon realizes he’s also into guys after he becomes close with Tristan.
  • He knows how to cook, a skill he got from his dad.
  • He knows too much about RPGs
  • He occasionally speaks Japanese when he's stressed out
  • His birthday is on April 5th
  • His favorite food is a nice hot bowl of rice.

Senior Researcher Tristan Young

Clearance Level: Level 3

Specialties: Study of anomalous locations and various PoIs

Location: Site-83

History: Not much is known about his past except for a few details. His parents divorced when he was young and he moved to Florida with his father. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in art, joined the foundation during an art show, and became a fairly popular researcher in the process.

Facts and Trivia:

  • He's 5'11
  • He is 27
  • He is a Roman Catholic
  • He does cosplay on the side
  • He doesn't have specific tastes in music, preferring anything that sounds good to him.
  • Probably a demiace (Gay)
  • Has really bad pollen allergies
  • His birthday is August 1st, but he prefers to spend it alone
  • Is secretly an otaku
  • At work, He keeps his hair slicked down, but he goes lose when out in public
  • His favorite food is corn soup and some cheese pizza.

Site Director Bryce Nguyen

Name: Director Bryce Nguyen

Clearance Level: Level 4

Specialties: Study of anomalous locations.

Location: Site-83 (Current Director)

History: Born to a single mother in Singapore, Bryce lived a relatively quiet life with very few things of note. He moved to the US when he was 18 and joined the UIU shortly after graduating college. After a joint operation with a foundation, Bryce left the UIU and became a full-foundation doctor (Became Site-Director 6 years after joining).

  • He's 5'9
  • He is 34
  • No one knows what his religion is.
  • He likes ambient noises
  • Aro-ace
  • Owns three spitz dogs (A samoyed, A Japanese spitz, and an American Eskimo)
  • He constantly has a small smile on his face, to point of creeping people out.
  • He has a habit of randomly appearing during someone's conversation.
  • Watches Kurtis Conner
  • His favorite food is anything with noodles in it

Commander George Willow

Clearance Level: Level 4

Specialties: Firearm specialist, On-site security commander

Location: Site-83

History: George was born in the suburbs of Chicago, to two extremely wealthy parents and thus lived his life in luxury. The middle child of 5 siblings, he has a lot of free time on his hands and often used that time to garden and study. He was recruited into the foundation through one of their front companies due to his parent's wealth and ultimately joined as an agent. However, he is reassigned to Site-83 after injuring himself when fending off some chaos insurgency members. He soon became Nguyen's right-hand man as a result.

  • He is 6'0 (Jealous over the fact that Kai is taller than him, despite being a newbie and younger than him), and fairly jacked.
  • He is 30
  • A self-proclaimed atheist (Though he like learning about other religions)
  • Has a major case of "resting bitch face"
  • His mom is french while his father german.
  • Currently lives with his girlfriend (who think he works as a gun maker)
  • Always carries a gun on his belt
  • He enjoys gardening as a past-time
  • Really likes dubstep and lofi
  • A frequent visitor of Ambrose and WWS before the transfer.
  • His favorite food is Ceasar salad

Other characters

Director Edeline Edwards: Director of Site-40 and is mostly a no-nonsense person. MTF Commander Grant is their right-hand man. Nonbinary (They/them/their, Xe/Xem/Xyr pronouns).

Commander Grant: An MTF commander assigned to Site-40. He is currently Edwards right-hand man and doesn't tolerate slackers.

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